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School &
Community Visits

Discover, learn, enjoy –
S.T.E.A.M. journey

The Hong Kong Maritime Museum offers an immersive, experiential learning environment that transcends traditional classroom boundaries. Our education programs are developed within the S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) framework, fostering interdisciplinary learning and critical thinking.We encourage inquiry-based learning and real-world applications, engaging students in maritime topics such as homeland security, naval architecture, marine technology, shipping and logistics, decarbonization, maritime trade, coastal defense, seafaring, marine science, and export art.

The charitable institutions registered under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance can join visits and guided tours for FREE. We are open daily (except the first and second days of the Lunar New Year) .

Join us on a learning voyage into the captivating world of maritime heritage!

If you are Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools/ International schools/  Private Organizations, you can book the Private Tour Group Booking here


Phone:3713 2500

Special Announcement

Limited Time Offer

LCSD Museum Pass Holders can enjoy a discount of 50% off the published price

for the purchase of adult ticket to Hong Kong Maritime Museum

School & Community Visits 

As an asset to our society, Hong Kong Maritime Museum creates holistic learning experiences through a unique fusion of history, art and science (H.A.S.). Through different learning activities, visitors can dive into various maritime topics including naval architecture, marine technology, shipping & logistics, maritime trade, coastal defense, seafaring, hence advancing their knowledge of maritime industry. Marine Science element is also added to exhibition content to introduce concepts of sustainable ocean development.

We organize free education programmes for government schools, aided schools, caput schools, as well as approved charitable institutions registered under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. You are welcome to book your group visits.

Booking Application

for Schools and Community Groups

Arrange a visit to the museums, tour of our galleries or historical walk.


For private tour/ organization visit, please click here


For more information
Phone: 3713 2531

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