Special Exhibitions
Return! Another Look at “The Dragon and the Eagle” and “The Silver Age”
1 July 2020 Onwards
Online Exhibition
2020 is a challenging year for Hong Kong and the world. We have contemplated how to best practice social distancing while presenting our maritime heritage, Hong Kong harbour and global shipping stories, to the public in an engaging and informative way. With the launch of a new online exhibition platform, we hope our latest exhibition, "Return!", will provide you with a safe and enjoyable visitor experience. Visitors can now enjoy our amazing exhibitions from our museum and anywhere else around the world.
We invite you to view our newly-interpreted exhibitions, “The Dragon and the Eagle” and “The Silver Age”, and gain an in-depth understanding of the stories behind global maritime trade. Visitors are welcome to immerse themselves in these trading tales and legends with music, artefacts, and multimedia campaigns in the Long Gallery. It's a quick step from the museum to the online exhibitions! We hope visitors from all walks of life will have an unforgettable visit, explore their horizons, and learn something new at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum.